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andrew’s primary output format is HTML but Quarto document and Jupyter Notebook are provided to help readers trying to re-use the information and automatically generated PDF is provided to facilitate printing. Produce HTML and PDF has it’s challenges and we share advices to authors based on our own experience.

Mathematical Formula

Mathematical formulas in the HTML document are render using MathJax that uses $$ as delimiter and TeX and LaTeX notation. For example,

$$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$

is render as

\[a^2 + b^2 = c^2\]

Displayed equation environments defined by LaTeX amsmath package are also supported and must be input without the $$ delimiter. For example,

x&=y & X&=Y & a&=b+c\\
x’&=y’ & X’&=Y’ & a’&=b

is render as

\[\begin{align*} x&=y & X&=Y & a&=b+c\\ x’&=y’ & X’&=Y’ & a’&=b \end{align*}\]

Be aware that delimit a displayed equation environments with $$ will raise a error when creating the PDF.